‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 4, episode 6 preview: Emily, Spencer, and indifference

Pretty Little LiarsOn last week’s “Pretty Little Liars” episode, we had the opportunity to really see some insight into how a sorority house may actually be a game-changer when it comes to the mystery surrounding “A,” and whether or not a house mother is really one of the people responsible for sending Ali down a dark path so many years ago.

Thanks to her investigation in the house, Spencer was able to piece all of this together, and she is not excited to tell Emily every last detail. What’s the problem? That Emily herself does not sound particularly interested in knowing anything about it at all. She brushes Spencer off multiple times while hearing out the story, before walking away almost like she is not even there.

So what in the world is going on with Emily? Did someone force her to sit down and have another mask mold made of her face? The only thing that we can really guess is that Emily’s stress and aggravation is finally starting to come to a head. She has no idea what her future holds, has been going through countless problems at home, and sadly, none of it appears to be letting up anytime soon. While solving Alison’s murder has been a tall order for the Liars over the years, even Spencer herself had a period of time in season 3 where she was really over caring about it.

One final thought, though, before we wave farewell to this: How many things did Ali really manage to do before her death? The more we hear about her, the more we realize that she was really everywhere.

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Photo: ABC Family

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