‘The Newsroom’ season 2 video: A preview for a preview

The NewsroomLike what HBO did with their most-recent seasons of “True Blood” and “Game of Thrones,” they are hoping to use whatever means necessary in order to get everyone caught up to speed on “The Newsroom” prior to the first episode of season 2 on Sunday, July 14.

On this coming Wednesday at 9:15 p.m. Eastern time, you will have the opportunity to see a special editing of the show knows as “The Newsroom: A Special Report.” The purpose of this brief featurette is to tell the story of the first season to people who are new to the world of Will McAvoy and ACN, and also for those who simply need a little bit of a catch-up since it has been so long since the show has been on the air.

The preview will also detail where the story will pick up, as executive producer Aaron Sorkin explains the timeline to the first episode, and how much of the early episodes will deal with everything from the election to the aftermath stemming from Will’s comparison of the Tea Party to the American Taliban. There is also going to be an interweaving story of a deposition that runs throughout the entire nine episodes, and you will also find out a little bit more information on that.

What do you think about this video, and are you hoping for anything in particular out of “The Newsroom” season 2? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below! If you want to also check out some more news on the change in the episode order and even re-shoots courtesy of Sorkin, our advice is for you to head on over to the link here.

Of course, come back in July for reviews and analysis of every episode.

Photo: HBO

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