‘Big Brother 15’ houseguest spotlight: Howard Overby

HowardThe men on “Big Brother 15” are an interesting bunch. There a few that we want to just crawl back into the hole from which they came from, and then a few that we really want to root for. Howard Overby falls firmly into the latter camp, since he is a guy that we really want to like and pull for. He doesn’t seem like a jerk, and he is smart enough to know what he needs to do to go far in the game … if he is really allowed to do so.

As we’ve said all along, though, these houseguest spotlight articles are very interactive. Are you rooting for Howard? We want to hear your thoughts below! Also, be sure to check out the link here if you’re curious to see some more of our take of all of the houseguests, as well as an exclusive interview with Rachel Reilly about her sister playing the game.

Name – Howard Overby

Age – 29

Location – Hattiesburg, Mississippi

Job – Youth counselor

Personality traits – Laid-back, thoughtful, and spiritual, he is probably the most religious person in the game this year. He’s also one of the most physically-imposing, as he has a very muscular build. This is a pretty interesting combination, and it works well alongside his current plan to have everyone thinking one thing about him, when instead he’s really thinking about something else.

Strengths – Obviously, he’s athletic enough to be a challenge beast all season, if he wants to be. He’s also a guy that could get attention from the ladies for some showmances, and could develop a good relationship with most of the guys. (He’s interesting in having a four-person alliance almost from the get-go, a la the Brigade.)

Disadvantages – He basically has “threat” stamped on his forehead. Howard will need to work very hard to fall off the radar early, and let the bigger personalities take each other out. If this means throwing competitions to stay in the game longer, then so be it.

Early prediction – If there is a guy who needs to follow the Dan Gheesling model of making yourself look very weak early on in the game, Howard is it. He needs to not be a threat if that is even possible for him to do. We could see him getting as far as Shane did last season in the final four based on an alliance, but from there, he’ll have to win out to make it to the end since nobody’s going to want to sit next to him.

Photo: CBS



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