Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Tucker vs. Lisa messiness

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

As we approach the end of day 13 on Big Brother 26, let’s just say that things are somehow as weird and messy as they’ve always been.

So, where do we start off here? Well, here is a reminder that Kenney has the Veto, will use it, and Tucker will be the replacement nominee. Unless something radically changes over the next 12-16 hours, Chelsie is going to honor his request to be the nominee. Then, it all comes down to the AI Arena and Tucker has already said he wouldn’t mind seeing Lisa leave while he’s still on the block with her after. (Of course, he’s out of his mind if he throws that competition — but he may be out of his mind already thanks to volunteering to go up.) If you watched the show tonight, then you know already that Tucker does not like Lisa at all, and he even told her on the feeds today that he doesn’t think she is a real chef.

For a lot of tonight we ended up seeing Tucker and Lisa circling around a part of the conversation, with most people seemingly being Team Tucker in the house. Nobody has really discussed taking out Tucker on a serious level as of yet, but will that change?

(Meanwhile, Joseph claimed mere minutes ago that MJ / Makensy called Lisa a “b—-” outside — off-feeds, of course.)

As for some other headlines…

Tonight Cedric and Quinn made a potential alliance where they can work in secret and share information — Cedric even referenced the Hitmen! He is close to Chelsie and Cam, but clearly wants other options. Quinn, meanwhile, is veering close to being aligned with the entire house, but we tend to think that Kimo may be the person he is actually closest to at the moment.

Also, there’s too much of a romantic pseudo-conflict going on at the moment with Leah, who seems to think that this is now Love Island and she can try to get with either Tucker or Cam while Quinn is off somewhere punching the air. Leah’s game has really fallen off a cliff the past few days, to the point where she is focusing on all the wrong things, especially after seeing one potential showmance get split up already (even if MJ never seemed super into it anyway).

Also, Kenney is bummed nobody is really talking game with him — why not do something about it?

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26 now, including more of the Veto aftermath

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