Mayfair Witches season 2: An Interview with Vampire crossover?

Mayfair Witches season 1
Photo: AMC

As we get into Mayfair Witches season 2 on AMC, are we going to get more of an Interview with the Vampire crossover than ever before? A lot of that really depends on how you define “crossover” at the end of the day.

At present, it does not appear as though we’re going to see some extreme amount of bleed-over between one show and the other, mostly because they each have their own stories that are pretty immense and crammed full of material. Yet, we do think that everyone at the network and the overall Immortals Universe knows the value of Easter eggs here and there.

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For now, what we can say is ultimately quite simple. While there is no major crossover currently being reported on, the teaser for season 2 of Mayfair Witches this weekend does give you a glimpse of Felix, who was serving Lestat during the Interview season 2 finale. This shows a small amount of connectivity, and we obviously know that Sam Reid’s character spent plenty of time in New Orleans as of late. If there is an opportunity for a larger crossover right now, it would be courtesy of him.

Of course, even with all of this in mind we do think that “judicious” is the best word to describe how the network and producers need to look at crossovers. There is so much source material out there that has to be the focus first and foremost, and we would note that for Mayfair in particular, the focus needs to be on Rowan and its own characters. The show has a lot of catching up to do in order to match the greatness of the latest season of the vampire drama.

Related See more thoughts about the recent Mayfair Witches season 2 teaser right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Mayfair Witches season 2, and how much do you think these worlds are going to collide?

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