Doctor Who season 15: Will a Mrs. Flood mystery be solved?

Doctor Who season 14
Photo: BBC One

There are absolutely a number of mysteries ahead on Doctor Who season 15, with the biggest one being tied to Mrs. Flood. We are going to learn more about her through the next batch of episodes. However, at the same time, there is a chance that one particular mystery may never be revealed at all: Why she is capable of breaking the fourth wall in the way she did?

Well, as it turns out, this could be one of the mysteries that lingers for at least a certain percentage of the upcoming season — heck, it could actually last forever!

Speaking in a new interview right now with SFX, showrunner Russell T. Davies had the following to say about Mrs. Flood and even The Doctor speaking directly to the audience:

“That hasn’t been explained, and it might never be, frankly … It’s very interesting, within the Doctor Who offices, we know exactly why that happens and yet I’m showing no sign of putting that on screen.

“There is actually a reason for it that was in a very early draft of The Star Beast. But I see no need to explain it whatsoever … My sister watches that, she doesn’t blink. She actually doesn’t blink when a character turns to camera and gives them a wink.”

Honestly, the reason for breaking the Fourth Wall may just not be that important — instead, concern yourself with the fallout from the end of season 14, the eventual return of Ruby Sunday, and also the upcoming new Companion played by Varada Sethu. There are a lot of adventures in space and time coming!

As for when season 15 proper is going to premiere, we’ll probably be waiting for a while — we’ll be rather thrilled if it surfaces moving into next spring.

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What do you most want to see moving into Doctor Who season 15?

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