Blue Bloods series finale: Vanessa Ray prepares to wrap filming

Blue Bloods season 14
Photo: CBS

Just in case you love Blue Bloods and wanted a reason to get emotional today, we’ve got you covered. The final day of filming is right around the corner, and be prepared for the next 24-48 hours to be especially emotional.

In a new post on Instagram today (one in which she shared a number of behind-the-scenes photos and videos), Eddie herself in Vanessa Ray indicated that tomorrow is her last day. It may also be for other cast members, be we always exercise caution with that since actors often wrap at different times. It does feel like we are in the final days for all involved, though, especially as the final family dinner has already been shot.

So what will Eddie’s final Blue Bloods story look like? While there are not many specific details as of yet, it does look as though she will be doing much of what we’ve come to know from her over the years, including working in the field with her partner Badillo. We’ve also seen her in a formal uniform in a behind-the-scenes shot from Donnie Wahlberg. Ray has already had her hair tied back into a bun for a final time, and that means that any work she does tomorrow could be somewhat separate from being out in the field.

As some of you may be aware already, you are going to be waiting a good while to actually see the end of Blue Bloods air. The remaining eight episodes should premiere in either late September or early October, with the series finale coming around the early days of the holiday season. There is still a chance at a spin-off and yet, it remains to be seen what it would be about — or if it could get a green light. There’s a lot to be sorted out.

Related Be sure to get more updates on Blue Bloods, including more looks behind the scenes

What do you most want to see moving into the Blue Bloods series finale?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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