American Idol season 23: Meghan Trainor lobbies to be judge

American Idol season 22
Photo: ABC

We know that American Idol season 23 is going to be coming to ABC, but there is one question that still stands out: Who will be the next judge? Katy Perry has already left the series and by virtue of that, the search for a replacement has begun.

Over the past few weeks, we have certainly seen the name Meghan Trainor around as a possible candidate. Will she get the spot? That remains to be seen, but it is pretty darn obvious that she is eager to take on the job.

Speaking in a new interview this week on Watch What Happens Live! (watch here), the singer explained why she wants the gig so badly:

“I’ve done every interview in the world and said that that is my dream job … I have emailed three awesome people who work in that world, who don’t really have like the full say [in the decision], but I’ve begged. I have begged for this job. I haven’t heard any updates [on it], so check my emails!”

As for why Trainor actually wants the gig, she noted that a lot of it comes down to the idea of helping other people become stars — something that does feel pretty darn rewarding to a lot of people.

While it is far too early to say who is going to end up getting the judging gig, we will say this — we’d much rather see someone have it who really loves what they do, as opposed to someone who is just in it in order to get a quick paycheck. That feels like the better way to produce stability, which is something that American Idol has benefited from over the past few years.

Related Be sure to get some more news on American Idol right now, including some other talk on the judging panel

What do you most want to see on American Idol season 23, and do you want Meghan Trainor as a judge?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — other updates are ahead.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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