The Boys season 4 spoilers: Show EP on surprise Becca return

The Boys season 4
Photo: Prime Video

We know that The Boys loves to do things that are big and crazy a lot of the time and yet, they also do search for an emotional core.

After all, consider this — Billy Butcher, violent and intense as he is, knows that he’s dying. There is at least one thing he wants to do before he goes: Try and protect Ryan. He may stray from the path somewhat, but he also seemingly has an angel trying to guide him: Becca. Shantel VanSanten is back!

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Given that Becca is dead, there is only so much that the producers could use her — also, Shantel is busy within the FBI franchise. Speaking to TVLine, showrunner Eric Kripke had the following to say about the return, and also the overall purpose of it:

One, I love Shantel, and I’ll work with her every chance I get. We really wanted to present a Butcher at war with himself this season. He’s only got six months to live. He needs to decide, is he going to fulfill his promise to Becca, or is he going to give into all of his worst impulses? So we thought to really dramatize that promise that he made, to sort of bring her back as sort of the angel on his shoulder that he’s conflicted by, was a good way to show his inner turmoil.

Will Butcher actually die?

Honestly, we’re not sure that there is another way around it, all things considered. He can’t take any more Temp-V and given that this was such a new innovation in the first place, it’s not as though there is some sort of quick-fix for this ailment. This season could be about legacy — what will he leave behind?

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What did you think about Becca’s big return on The Boys season 4?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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