House of the Dragon season 2: EP on Dunk & Egg spin-off

House of the Dragon season 2
Photo: HBO

As you prepare to see the House of the Dragon season 2 premiere on HBO this weekend, know there is more from this universe ahead! The network has already greenlit A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, which is based on George R.R. Martin’s Dunk & Egg stories. The hope is that it’s going to start filming later this year, and it could air at some point in 2025.

So how connected are these two shows? It’s tricky, given that the new show is actually set several decades after the Emma D’Arcy – Matt Smith series. However, it also happens well before Game of Thrones. There could still be ties between the two, but they are not necessarily deliberate.

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To get more on the show (formerly known as The Hedge Knight), here is what House of the Dragon EP Ryan Condal had to say to Polygon:

“Even though [The Hedge Knight] is not a Targaryen story, it does happen while the Targaryens are still in power … So there is sort of generational interlinkage between our show and [Knight of the Seven Kingdoms]. Again, there’s no direct crossover because it happens many years in the future, but we’re very conscious of all those things and trying to keep the expanded universe alive.”

Ultimately, all Condal has to worry about is ensuring that his show does not end in such a dramatic way that the Targaryen line is radically altered forever — but that feels like a sure thing anyway. After all, most of his show is going to hold true to the events of Fire & Blood by Martin. There is a pretty clear roadmap here from start to finish.

Related Check out more discussion now on the House of the Dragon season 2 premiere — are you ready to see it?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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