For All Mankind season 5 premiere date: A June 2024 update

For All Mankind season 4
Photo: Apple TV+.

It is a great relief to know that For All Mankind season 5 is officially coming to Apple TV+, and the long renewal wait is over. Not only that, but there’s even a spin-off in the works! There is such a long history of streaming shows having short runs and admittedly, we had legitimate fears that this one would be cut short.

Luckily, for now that isn’t happening, and there is going to be a chance to further explore what’s happening in regards to that Goldilocks asteroid, which is now parked on Mars.

Now, the next important question to wonder is this: When will we actually see the series back? Of course, it would be wonderful to see it sooner rather than later, though there are also some definite pipe-dream elements to that. Getting a premiere-date announcement this month would be a fantasy, and so would getting one later this year. This is a series destined for a 2025 release at the earliest, and the only news you could anticipate getting this month is tied to casting and who is / is not a part of the show moving forward.

Will Joel Kinnaman be back? Honestly, this is probably the question we’ve got above all others. Remember that Ed was already in bad shape for a lot of season 4, and that was before yet another time jump. If he’s still alive, would he still be out in space? What would that do to his body? There are a lot of different questions centering around him, but also the other people who have been around since the very first season. You want them around for nostalgia’s sake, but you also have to be realistic.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to For All Mankind now, including when filming will begin

What do you most want to see when it comes to For All Mankind season 5 over at Apple TV+?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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