Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 3: Rossi is haunted

Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2
Photo: Paramount+

As you get prepared to see Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 3 on Paramount+ next week, what problems are ahead for Rossi?

Well, on the surface, it is pretty easy to say that the Gold Star case is going to continue to take its toll on him. It’s hard to imagine that it won’t. He hates the idea of having to work with Voit — and to make matters worse, he’s also being haunted by a ghostly version of the character (even if he isn’t dead).

So how much longer are these hauntings going to continue? Speaking to TVLine, here is what Joe Mantegna had to say on the subject:

“Well, we’ll find out, won’t we? That’s part of the intrigue of where we’re going with this … It’s pretty apparent that David is bothered [in the meantime by this], but this is a guy with a tremendous ego, so he’ll be the last to ask for help or assistance.”

Ultimately, this is a situation that could last for a lot of the season, as it all really stems from who Rossi is as a person. The character is obsessed with work a lot of the time, and given how much season 1 dovetails into season 2, there is really not that much of an opportunity for anyone to pause and really think about anything. Instead, it feels like we’re going to roll straight into whatever the next chapter of the story is going to be the rest of this season.

Also, remember that season is taking place over a pretty short period of time as well; because of that, it’s really hard to think that we’ll be seeing David at peace for a good while. (As sad as it may be, Rossi under duress is good conflict for the show.)

Related Be sure to get some more news on Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 3 — what all is coming here?

What do you most want to see moving into Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 3?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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