Survivor 46 finale sneak peek: Maria versus everybody?

Survivor 46
Photo: CBS

The Survivor 46 finale is coming to CBS on Wednesday night and after a season of chaos, could things finally turn predictable?

Over the past several weeks, there have been so many possible scenarios and ways that people could rise and fall. Take Q — despite at one point asking to be voted out, there was still a scenario in which he could have won opposite people like Liz or Ben in the end. Venus had a good comeback story, as well!

Now, however, we’re looking at a final five where it feels like only a few people have a real shot. Maria’s played the most dominant game, but she likely needs to win immunity or find an idol now to survive. Even if she does, has she made enemies? Charlie and Kenzie feel like the only two other contenders, but we could see a scenario here where Maria goes at final five, Charlie or Kenzie loses fire-making, and then the remainder of the two ends up winning the game. Maybe that is too predictable, but we do feel like on some level, the stars are aligning with that.

If you head over to the link here, you can see a preview for what lies ahead that features Maria realizing how badly she needs immunity, especially with her now on the outside of the vote. Liz is celebrating the demise of Q, even though ironically going to the end with him gave her a better chance of winning. At this point, Liz probably does have a spot in the final three locked up, mostly because it doesn’t feel like she has a big argument of what she’s done in the game over the years. Ben is up there, even though he seems to have created less conflict and could get a vote or two based on likability.

No matter what, we’d just like one more surprise — is that too much to ask?

Related Who from Survivor 46 could return for another season?

What do you most want to see moving into the Survivor 46 finale?

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