Big Brother Canada 12 spoilers: Who won the Veto, final 7?

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Who won the Power of Veto over the weekend within the Big Brother Canada 12 house? Of course, there were a lot of scenarios at play!

Let’s just start things off here with a reminder that Tola won Head of Household late last week, and all indications were in the last Digital Daily that we would see both Bayleigh and Avery up on the block. Of the two, Avery was the target — a direct consequence of the events of the week prior! (That was confirmed last night in the episode.)

However, at the same time he had also mentioned that he had a possible backdoor plan. It was easily to speculate that this was Spicy Vee, but would she even go to jury if she was nominated? We had a lot of food for thought over the past several days.

Now, here is where things stand now. Todd won the Veto! However, in somewhat hilarious fashion, he has opted to not save someone in Bayleigh who has saved him. A lot of this seems to be due to him feeling like Avery will go versus her and beyond that, he doesn’t want Spicy on the block. This is a big risk for him to take, given the part of the game we are at … but it should make for a fun next couple of days. Avery is a huge threat and if you can’t get rid of Victoria right now, why not get at her #1 ally?

Anthony did technically say last night that he didn’t necessarily want Spicy gone this week; instead, he was just hoping to weaken her and get people talking. In that sense, we do think he’s reached mission accomplished already! We just have to wait and see what’s going to happen with the next HoH…

Related Get some more discussion on last night’s Big Brother Canada episode now

What do you think about the new Veto results within the Big Brother Canada 12 house?

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