‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Fading to black with a ‘scary’ Emmett
Alas, the end is here: The final “Big Brother Canada” live feed update of the season. Slice is promising to have some more additional content in the coming days before the season finale, so be sure to stay tuned for more on that. (We also will of course keep bringing you episode reviews, and some interviews coming up from finale night.)
However, for now we’ll say goodbye to the feeds with what was the last bit of content on them: Jillian and Emmett basically hiding in various places in order to scare other people and each other. In the end, it feels almost as though this is the perfect microcosm for their game as a whole. They managed to stay hidden early on thanks to the enormous target that was Tom and then Alec, and by the time these two were out of the house, they jumped out from behind a couch and scared the other players into silence. No one has been able to stop them, and while it has made for a boring past few weeks, it’s great for their reputation as solid gamers.
We’ve given Emmett the photo for this last piece mostly because we feel around 90% certain that he is going to win the game. The only way that Milkman doesn’t take it home is if Gary / Talla (but likely Gary, given that Talla is the target) wins the last Head of Household, and they get wise and evict Emmett, knowing that no one on the jury really likes Jillian. We’d be stunned if she gets votes from Peter, Alec, or Topaz, and she would have to rely on Andrew not being bitter in order for her to secure the victory.
We’ll have more on the “who will win?” debate later in the week, since we’re going to need something to talk about with the feeds down. If you want to read some more live feed scoop from earlier in the day, you can do so at the link here.
Photo: Slice