‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: More drunken Talla and nomination chatter

TallaNow that the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds have been back up, we have a little bit more insight into some of the strangeness that occurred on Friday. However, we still cannot say for 100% confidence why the houseguests were dressed up in prom-like outfits. Our guess based on the evidence? That it was either a luxury competition or a task, mostly because nothing game-related has happened just yet.

For those of you looking for a timeline, we were told by Emmett that nominations will happen early in the morning, and they will probably go into the Power of Veto Competition straight after that. Unless the show is being very generous to us (which would be nice considering just how devoted fans have been), the feeds will probably be down most of the afternoon / early evening to cover everything before they turn back on.

In conclusion, last night is going to be the Big Brother Canada Last Supper for us feeders, even though it’s probably not going to be too exciting, anyway, given that the feeds are always quiet near the end of the game and people are sick of each other.

As for the current events in the house, there was plenty of booze a-flowing tonight, and we saw Talla once again get extremely drunk and get into the pool wearing her nice clothes. In addition to that, we also learned that she and Gary had some sort of blowup fight earlier in the day, and Emmett confirmed the obvious in that Gary and Talla will go on the block tomorrow. The PoV is what matters here, and we’ll be on hand to deliver the results whenever they come in.

If you want to read about Talla’s earlier fight with Emmett in the “Big Brother Canada” house tonight, be sure to check out the story over here.

Photo: Slice

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