‘Real Housewives of Orange County’ review: Was Tamra Barney’s party derailed?

Real Housewives of Orange CountyIn case you ever wondered how in the world “The Real Housewives of Orange County” and all of the other editions of this franchise manage to stretch out their seasons to over 20 episodes, Monday night’s episode is a good example. We first heard about Tamra Barney’s fitness opening last week, and the controversy revolving around Alexis Bellino being invited by Vicki Gunvalson first started to bubble over then.

If we were to use that metaphor for last week’s episode, it is fair to say that the boiling water was flooding the kitchen this week. Tamra immediately regretted her decision to allow the two to show up, and of course, the night did not go on without there being some ridiculous drama. Case in point? Vicki and Gretchen Rossi getting into it over the fact that Vicki once seemingly referred to her grandson as her own baby. We’re not sure that this was so egregious a thing to say to use the “stupid” word on her, even if it does show that Vicki does tend to make everything a little bit about her.

Then again, this was hardly the worst thing that happened over the course of the hour. Why in the world did Tamra and Alexis decided to get into court drama while at the celebration dinner? Couldn’t they have waited? Alexis ended up playing the “bullying” card again, which Heather Dubrow objected to, and the night quickly just became all about pouting and who could look like the biggest victim on TV.

To think, we’ve spent two hours of our lives building up to this party. If we were Tamra, we would say that from here on out, she should really just consider not inviting any of these women to any more of her business ventures. While she may not get the publicity, it certainly won’t feel as ridiculous.

What did you think about this “Real Housewives of Orange Country” episode? If you want to read some more video footage from the hour, be sure to visit the link here.

Photo: Bravo

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