‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 4: The new photo of Lucy Hale and the gang
It’s rather interesting in some ways looking at the group of “Pretty Little Liars” over the years. Haven’t Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and Emily all grown up in a pretty substantial way since the beginning? They are definitely a little bit more aware as to the world around them, are far less naive, and more capable of stirring up trouble on a grand scale.
In some ways, this change in attitude is reflected with the new cast photo. While Emily comes across a tough and Aria some what hardened, both Spencer and Hanna in particular have a serious look of “we’re up to no good” on their faces. Can you imagine Troian Bellisario’s character looking this devious or sinister back during the show’s first season? We certainly can’t.
Now, we turn to the comparison. Here is one of the photos of the “Pretty Little Liars” cast from one of the early seasons, it is easy to tell just how much has changed. There was much more of an innocence back them, not to mention the outfits that all look pretty similar to each other. Then again, this may have also been a glamorous form of funeral wear since the first few episodes were all about the aftermath of Alison DiLaurentis’ death.
“Pretty Little Liars” season 4 is set to premiere on ABC Family on Tuesday, June 11 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, so hopefully at that point we will have a chance to realize just how devious some of these girls can really be.
What do you think about this new photo, and are you excited for the season? If you want to check out some new “Pretty Little Liars” teasers courtesy of creator Marlene King, be sure to visit the story over at the link here.
Photo: ABC Family