‘The Good Wife’ season 4 finale spoilers: Is the end near for Peter’s campaign?

The Good WifeThe Good Wife” is never a show lacking when it comes to drama, so it was hardly a surprise to see that we are going to be in store for a pretty jam-packed finale a week from tomorrow.

So what are some of the events that you can expect to see unfold? When it comes to Cary, the real question that we have is rather simple: is he going to be able to start his own firm? We know that it’s the dream for him, but sometimes dreams do not necessarily equal reality. However, the official synopsis for the hour suggests that he will have some help from an “unlikely source” by the time the hour is over.

So could that be Alicia, or someone tied directly into her world in an effort to make a dream come true? We can’t say; however, TVLine does have some welcome news in that we are for sure going to have an opportunity to see some definite closure to the Peter gubernatorial campaign by the time the episode comes to an end. For those of you who are ready for this to end, and for the show to move on, you will be rather happy to hear this.

One thing that you will for sure not see during this episode? You’re not going to have an opportunity to check out anything else from Kalinda and Nick. After that disastrous storyline went off the rails earlier this year, Marc Warren’s character has been shipped off … probably for good.

What do you want to see unfold before the end of “The Good Wife” this season? If you want to watch a preview for Sunday night’s new episode, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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