‘House of Lies’ season 2, episode 11 review: What is Marty up to?

House of LiesIt’s been a while since we really checked in on “House of Lies,” but on Sunday night we saw Marty Cohn make one of his biggest moves yet: taking his life (and potentially the lives of others) into his own hands.

The framework that led to the reveal at the end of the episode that he is looking to go independent was rather simple. In order to land the massive whale of a Las Vegas client, who was apparently offended because he someone stood him up, he was forced to go out to the desert and (no joke) shoot watermelons with guns. The whole idea of it was so stupid, it was made all the more hilarious when Marty basically stole his car, went and found his old friend Mr. Pinkus, and made some moves in order to turn him into the gambling tycoon he really needs to be. (Hey, it is Easter; why not pull off a miracle?)

Part of this move was probably also based largely on the fact that Tamara, who he thought to be his lover and his associate, had basically tricked him into securing the whale in the first place just so she could use it as leverage go elsewhere. Marty ultimately figures here that if he has his own firm, these sort of problems would be alleviated.

Ultimately, Marty is now single going into the season finale next week, and so is Jeanie after she made the rather strange decision to have an open conversation about her boss while sleeping with her boyfriend. In other words, the most awkward thing ever, save for then immediately breaking up with said boyfriend after the conversation was over. Ultimately, we can’t say that this scene (like many others in the episode) was particularly funny, but it was compelling. Ultimately, this may be how we feel about “House of Lies” as a whole; it never really produces belly laughs, but it is entertaining and still gives you something to look forward to Sunday night after the blitz of new programming at 9:00.

What did you think about this episode, and do you think that Marty made the right move? Be sure to share your thoughts below, and you can read some more “House of Lies” news over at the link here.

Photo: Showtime

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