‘Bones’ season 8, episode 20 review: Did Booth and Brennan [spoiler]?

BonesCan we categorize tonight’s “Bones” as one of the bigger teases ever? There was a pretty interesting case involving climates, diamonds, and oodles of cash, but what we think people will take away more from this hour than anything else is the continued teasing of Booth and Brennan’s future as a married couple someday … and with that, this is what we have to talk about.

Would Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan really be so cruel as to talk about this almost incessantly, and then not actually have the two get married at some point? It would certainly seem like a cruel letdown, and as fun as the scene in the jewelry store was this week, it was just another tease at something that could come up down the road. What we did like about this scene, though, was that it didn’t actually end up playing a major role in the rest of the episode. They saw the engagement rings, and moved on … for now.

However, you have to wonder just how long Booth is going to be interested in sitting around and waiting for Brennan to propose. We know he wants marriage even though she has made her opinion on the matter clear, but these little moments are subtle winks and nudges that this is a subject that will remain on the minds of all of our characters.

We really don’t know ultimately what else to see about the primary story for the week: it was a pretty standard “Bones” episode, as it was very entertaining thanks to a bizarre death and a surprising outcome. It just isn’t going to be one that leaps out at us after this season ends.

Overall, what did you think about this episode? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below, and you can read some more “Bones” season 8 scoop by heading on over to the link here.

Photo: Fox

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