‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 6, episode 18 preview: Sheldon’s big idea
How do you get more women interested in careers in science? This is a question that Leonard asks during Thursday night’s new “Big Bang Theory” episode, and it leads to what has the potential to be one of the show’s most-hilarious sequences yet.
For some reason, Johnny Galecki’s character is taking it upon himself to try to figure out how to bring a much different perspective into his occupation, and he is making a very key mistake in the process: assuming that he is going to be able to suddenly convince women who are already interested in other careers to make the switch over. This is where Sheldon comes in, and suggests something that is actually pretty smart: if you want to inspire people to be scientists, you have to do it while they are still at an impressionable age. With this in mind, he (along with Howard’s help of calling his old middle school) ends up visiting a middle school in order to teach everything that is important within the subject.
Unfortunately, if there is one thing that we have already come to know about Sheldon already, it is that patience is not particularly his strong suit in the slightest … and neither are social skills. You need both to be able to do a job like this, and the end result of Sheldon’t visit is very likely going to just be extreme discomfort. After all, the fact that Sheldon planned to research speaking to students by Googling how to excite 12-year old girls is probably some sort of indicator that like most of his interactions with women, this idea will go down in flames.
If you want to see even more footage from this episode, be sure to click here. Meanwhile, we will have a full review of what transpires come Thursday night.
Photo: CBS, video via SpoilerTV