‘Girls’ season 2 premiere preview: Hannah and Elijah start party planning

GirlsAre you ready to see more of “Girls” on the air? You’re not alone, and hopefully Sunday night’s season 2 premiere will provide you with everything that you are hoping to see and then some.

While we do not know the over-arcing story of the episode just yet, we do know this: party planning is going to be a key part of the equation, especially when it comes to Hannah and her new roommate Elijah. Now that she knows that he is gay and all of that insecurity about her past relationship with him is out of the way, the two are getting along quite possible more than any relationship should. As a matter of fact, it’s almost a little creepy how in tune with each other they are, almost like they are the co-founders of a cult.

Suffice it to say, there is probably going to be some sort of shocking event that unfolds out of these two deciding to throw a bash at their place in an attempt to suddenly be the coolest place in all of Brooklyn. Before they can go too far off the deep end, though, Shoshanna shows up in the clip below to rant and rave about how excited / not excited she is to see the man who took her virginity in Ray again. The one thing that is interesting about this character above all else is just how exaggerated she becomes upon faking emotion: her expressions are far from genuine, and the same goes for how she tends to abbreviate just about everything that she says to the extent that she is almost speaking another language.

What do you think about this clip, and does it make you more excited for the premiere? If you want to read some major spoilers about what happens to Elijah later on in the season (you’ve been warned!), you can do so here.

Photo: HBO

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