‘Glee’ season 4 spoilers: Rachel and Finn share a “sweet” phone call
After last week’s episode of “Glee” season 4 where we saw Kurt break down and call Blaine to tell him that he misses him, loves him and wants him to come to New York for a visit, it’s gotten all the fans riled up to see some sort of reconciliation like this for Rachel and Finn as well.
When we last saw Finn and Rachel face to face it was during the “Glease” episode where Finchel met in the hallway after the Glee club’s production of Grease had ended. Rachel had just found out that Brody had slept with her teacher Cassandra and when Finn realized that her tears were for another man things got very awkward very fast. He told her that it was better that they no longer be in contact with one another and she agreed much to the disappointment of fans everywhere, but now it looks like there might be a glimmer of hope that these two will find some sort of common ground with one another before the year is through.
Lea Michele posted a message on her Twitter account saying that Rachel and Finn will have a phone call on Thursday’s upcoming episode called “Swan Song”. She wrote: “Hope you all enjoyed #glee tonight! Next weeks episode is super good:) Really sweet #finchel phone call and I got sing two Barbra songs!”
While we may not see these two get back together before the new year rolls around it’s nice to hear that there will at least be some movement when it comes to the two of them communicating, because this whole silent treatment is driving us all crazy.
Next week’s episode of “Glee” season 4 will be airing on Thursday December 6 at 9 p.m. on Fox – will you be tuning in to see what Finn and Rachel have to say to each other during their “sweet” phone call? What do you think they will tell each other? Leave us a comment below and tell us what you think will happen.
Photo: Fox
December 14, 2012 @ 11:11 am
I miss Finn & Rachel being together, their “magic” is what made the show, it is about time Finn “finds” himself and move to New York, come on Rachel, Brody is nothing but muscles, there is no magic like with Finn, I had enough of all the drama, missing Glee the way it used to be, Finnchel romance and great songs! At this moment I prefer watching the Seasons 1-3 on dvd than watching Season 4, it always leaves me with an sickening feeling at the end..
SA - GLEE adict!
December 5, 2012 @ 8:27 am
For me, it’s “no Finn and Rachel” – no Glee! They belong together. Come on writers, do your magic, let them be together and let Finn find himself and become a strong independant young man. He’s supposed to be a winner and an example to the youngsters.
December 4, 2012 @ 9:57 am
Aaaaaah. I can’t wait. Honestly, I just really want them to start talking to each other. It’s okay if they dont reconcile and go back together!! I just want to see Rachel and Finn at least being friends and talk occasionally!!! :DDD
December 3, 2012 @ 11:28 pm
I love finn and Rachel aka Finchel and this season not seeing them together is really relly hard its killing me. Im hoping that this phone call will be the start of them getting back together. !!
December 2, 2012 @ 5:33 pm
Does what people say matter on this show at all? The writers have said what they are going to do and the fans of glee are left with the choice of either watching or not watching. I do not care about rachel and kirk in that fictiional setting because I do not care about any of the other characters around them. Also, it is amazing how we are told how they have changed rather than having them act towards that change. I told ryan murphy if he put a lame character into the new york storyline I would refuse to watch glee and I unlike him will be sticking with my decision and every day i get away from glee I realize that it has become nothing but itunes sales and bringing more characters on that sing and cannot act in order to liven up the sales. Glee has become the very show it was suppose to have been spoofing even having its own reality show in order to get new inexpensive talent to saturate the show and keep costs down. This scatter gun approach has made me just not care anymore and to think that the character that was introduced first on glee finn hudson has been the one character that is being destroyed the most is sad. Finn is getting a love interest according to the writers because that is better than trying to get him a storyline that involves a performance aspect to it. Finn is new york city good and is not a teacher so get will back into the fold quickly sadly not going to happen so bye bye glee.
December 2, 2012 @ 4:34 pm
I really just care about Kurt and Blaine! They have to be end game!
December 2, 2012 @ 1:27 pm
There are times when a show just gives into hate and glee to me is a show that has been driven by hate. Finn is not a lima loser and every episode he is in that side of the show makes me just cringe.