Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: The whinings of Alex Ow (day 83, morning)
Here’s the good news for some of the houseguests: They had an opportunity to relax a little bit in the house last night! Thanks to the fine folks over at Pop / Big Brother After Dark, they were handed the gift of milkshakes. It was almost a little arts and crafts project, and Josh seemed to actually have the most fun with it just because of the way that he decorated it and/or bragged about it. He also engaged in one of his random chat sessions with Orwell, otherwise known as the one person in the house other than Kevin who hasn’t completely berated him at every turn. (Does Josh also bring it on himself sometimes? Probably, but still.)
Beyond Josh having a good time, Alex was having a terrible time. She didn’t want any of the milkshakes, and proceeded to go off and do the same thing that many other people do when they realize they are going home: Sit around, complain to the camera, and read the Bible. She suddenly realized that Paul wasn’t about “friendship” and really wanted to try and win the game, which is a novel concept to a game like Big Brother. She’s claimed that she wants to campaign for Paul in jury, but it remains to be seen if that’s true given that she’s so incredibly salty about him in her discussions on her own. She feels very much betrayed and is upset at herself for trusting him to the extent that she did. Alex also has done some pleaded to America to give her AFP, and let this serve as a reminder: If you have to plead to America to give you this honor, odds are that you’re probably not getting it.
The funniest part of Alex’s whole monologue? When she said last night that she should’ve listened to Jillian … JILLIAN! Seriously. She was told all the way back at the start of the game that Paul was bad news as an ally, but she still didn’t listen to it way back then.
Ultimately, it’s hard to take some of Alex’s whining and trash-talking about Paul seriously because she fed into it for much of the game. Remember when she spent all of that time making Kevin feel like garbage over the past couple of weeks? Well, if she had used Kevin and Jason and tried to consider making some different moves, she could’ve been in a very different spot in the game right now! She knows the game well enough for there to be no excuses.
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