Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers: Josh debates targeting Paul (day 81, afternoon)

Big Brother 19

What’s worse — being oblivious to the truth, or seeing the truth and still refusing to do anything about it? This is something that Big Brother fans could be debating for quite some time.

With that said, today in the game we saw Josh actually do something that he hasn’t really openly done for most of the season, and that is discuss to himself (and to feeders, thanks Josh) whether or not to target Paul. There could be a chance to do that this week given that he has some control. If Alex were to win the Veto, or even if either Kevin or himself were to win it, he could use Alex/Kevin’s vote and then break the tie to get rid of the best player this season. Josh is very well aware that Paul is the best player, and has gone so far as to compare him to Vanessa Rousso on multiple occasions. He doesn’t want to lose to him, since he promised his family that he would do everything that he could to win. He’s struggling morally with getting out a close friend, but he recognizes that he’s standing in the way.

We’re not sure that Josh will ever actually make the move even though he’s thinking about it; timing is one of the things he is concerned about, and we get that. He’s afraid of targeting Paul this week and then having Alex clip him at final four. We do think it’d still be three against one next week to get Alex out of the house, but he’s probably more of a threat than either Christmas or Kevin. Christmas may also not love the idea of targeting Paul now, so that is another big factor.

This move is a risk, but most things are in Big Brother. By keeping Paul in the game, Josh has a better chance most likely of making it to final two. Yet, he also has a far smaller chance of actually winning the game. We hope that he listens to his own pre-game advice and realizes that targeting Paul is the move that fans want to see, and he may not have another chance after this week. Paul is good at competitions, and there are a lot at the end of the game that he can win.

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Then head over to the link here! After all, that is where you can see our own CarterMatt personal wishlist for the upcoming Celebrity Big Brother season. (Photo: CBS.)

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