America’s Got Talent video: Magician Will Tsai will blow you away
Yet, this is what makes it such a wonderful effect to watch. Sometimes, the best tricks are the ones that make you question everything just because it’s so hard to imagine how they are done. The magic is done right before your eyes! This what Will does here with the coins, transforming them into rose petals and also having them disappear / reappear almost as though it is nothing and takes zero effort. (There absolutely is a ton of effort behind the scenes, but making it appear almost easy is magic in itself.) It’s incredibly subtle, but also somehow incredibly beautiful to watch unfold. There is nothing else quite like it.
Consider this trick a further bit of evidence as to why magic acts (or any acts at all) need to take into account such things as the positioning of the cameras, the music, and the tone of the performance. Some tricks don’t need to be big and bawdy; meanwhile, others don’t need a ton of introduction. This is one of the coolest magic auditions through twelve seasons of the show just because it doesn’t quite fit into the same box of so many other illusions seen on the show, such as the classic escape trick or the performance where the magician disappears only to reappear right behind the judges.
It goes without saying that Will is going to make it through to the next round. The larger question is whether or not he is going to get a Golden Buzzer and with that, a one-way ticket all the way to the live shows. After a season where singers dominated the audition-round golden buzzers, it’d be nice to see a little bit more in the way of diversity here.
What do you think about Will Tsai’s audition and the skill of his magic? Be sure to share some of your thoughts on the subject below!
Meanwhile, head over here in the event you do want to get some more news right now when it comes to America’s Got Talent. (Photo: NBC.)