The Walking Dead season 7 episode 14 Sasha – Rosita sneak peek released (video)
In the extended preview below, you effectively have an opportunity to see a scene that is all about the two aforementioned women preparing themselves for what it is that they are about to do: Fight Negan, and determine whether or not there is a way to stop him while also saving their own hides. We do continue to contend that this entire story has the feel of a suicide mission, with the way that they are preparing. Story-wise, this does make the most sense for these two to be behind it given that they’ve lost the most and have very little to even lose anymore. Sasha’s lost Bob and Tyreese; meanwhile, Rosita’s lost Abraham and she’s been mostly annoyed with the world this season. They don’t mind putting themselves on the line for this.
We cannot tell you whether or not they’re going to be successful, but they’re clearly putting in the world.
Let’s also get the elephant in the room out of the way — it’s obvious that the main reason this video is out there is in order to promote Into the Badlands more so than anything. For anyone out there complaining about this, stop it. Typically we wouldn’t get an extended Walking Dead preview like this otherwise, so you’re getting extra content that you wouldn’t have otherwise, and in return you’ve also got a great show that is getting promoted. Sure, Talking Dead is on an hour later, but are we really at the point where this is what we’re complaining about? Remember when people actually had to watch things live or they’d miss them? The age of technology has made all of us as television viewers so entitled that we want what we want, when we want it. If you gave Into the Badlands a chance, you may realize that it’s a great show.
If you want more of our assorted ramblings on this subject, rest assured that we’ve already got a full article out there all about it.
For now, let’s also throw out there that there is another Walking Dead season 7 episode 14 preview up over at the link here. We’ll have more on the show online shortly.
What do you want to see on this episode of The Walking Dead? Share some of your thoughts now with a comment! (Photo: AMC.)