The Flash season 3: Is Barry Savitar? Let’s go crazy with this theory

Is Barry Savitar -

We have to admit that we may be starting to lose it with these Savitar theories and The Flash season 3, but there’s something really fun and interesting about the question that we’re asking today: Is Barry Savitar? Could this idea, however crazy it may seem, actually be true? It’s certainly not any more far-fetched than any other idea that is out there.

Much like with our recent theory that Julian was Savitar in some shape or form, there is one strong bit of evidence that Savitar is someone already a part of the show: Nobody else has publicly cast for the season. Maybe that’s intentional and The CW is purposefully keeping things under wraps here, but eventually you’re going to start looking at people you already have.

Let’s make one thing clear: Barry Allen in the present on Earth-1 is not Savitar. If that was the case, the internet would explode and the show should go ahead and cancel itself. However, there are still some other possibilities in which Barry could be the God of Speed without upsetting the show.

1. Savitar is future Barry – Remember that the Flash goes missing in the future headlines? Maybe it’s tied to this, or there is an aftereffect to being with the Speed Force that you eventually start to lose yourself and become obsessed with finding as much ability as possible. Maybe Savitar’s presence in the present is to ensure that he directs Barry towards the strongest, most-sinister version of himself. Taking out Iris West could be the future self’s way of taking out Barry’s goodness.

We still think that this is unlikely, mostly because it’s too hard to ever see this incarnation of Barry being evil.

2. Savitar is a version of Barry from another world – Maybe this is his Earth-19 incarnation, or may be this is one from an Earth we haven’t met yet. Given that this Barry has a proclivity for being fast, it’s not impossible to think that there is an evil version out there in some timeline. It also makes some sense as to why Savitar wouldn’t want to reveal himself as anything more than his current form.

3. Savitar is a creature constructed by the Speed Force – Who knows if this “God” is really human at all? The most interesting part of his presence is that he wasn’t around seemingly before Flashpoint. Therefore, did Barry going back in time create the character? Is he the Flashpoint version of a time aberration created by Barry and his own actions? IS he a remnant of his mistakes, the Speed Force’s way of punishing him for manipulating the timeline too much? This is incredibly abstract — almost too much so — so it’s hard to picture it.

The reality here is that we don’t know if Barry is Savitar, or if anyone is Savitar. He’s such a bizarre character in this world that the only thing that you can do is offer up theories for the time being.

For the record, we’re ignoring comic canon with these theories mostly because there’s no guarantee of the show following it. They’ve always been more about capturing the spirit than the literal essence.

Is Barry Savitar? What about someone else? Share your thoughts in the comments below! (Photo: The CW.)

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