‘Saturday Night Live’ video: Colin Jost, Michael Che bring ‘Weekend Update’ to the RNC
Clearly, every network out there is trying to find a way to bring a dose of humor to the Republican National Convention, otherwise known as a place ripe for satire. (To be fair, the same can be said for the Democratic one — we’re equal opportunity when it comes to humor.)
For NBC, this meant bringing “Saturday Night Live” – “Weekend Update” co-hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che to Cleveland to bust out some humor about current events, including the speech of Ted Cruz, Chris Christie potentially getting a powerful seat in government, and some of the typical traditions of the convention itself. We’re not going to say every joke landed, but we give Che and Jost credit for handling what was a fairly tough room: There was no big audience eager to laugh like they had at “SNL,” and really just seemed to operate based on the energy of the crew members around.
As for some of the little bit mixed in…
“Pokemon GO” spoof – It made sense for them to try it, and the idea (an app that lets you locate the rare minorities at the RNC) was inspired. There was just something in the execution of it that didn’t quite work, other than the attempt at identifying “Duck Dynasty” star Willie Robertson as “Amish.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg – We’ve always found this to be one of Kate McKinnon’s weaker “SNL” characters, mostly because we know so little about the Supreme Court Justice, other than her recent comments against Donald Trump, that it’s hard to know what we’re making fun of. She brought the energy, but the material this time was a bit too scattered.
Overall, this “Weekend Update” was still worth watching, even if we’re seeing consistently better ones on new “SNL” episodes.
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