NBC’s ‘The Voice’ video: Alisan Porter of ‘Curly Sue’ fame auditions

VoiceBefore we get into this particular preview article for “The Voice,” let’s go ahead and roll our eyes for a second at the whole “leaked audition” label that NBC has stuck on this video. Since NBC released this, why is this “leaked” at all? A big “ugh” when it comes to the semantics of it all.

Now that we’ve said all of this, let’s sing the praises mightily for Alisan Porter’s blind audition. Admittedly, we actually know the singer more because of her friendship with Adam Lambert than we do the movie “Curly Sue,” mostly because we don’t really watch many movies. Regardless of how we know her, “Curly Sue” is what is getting her the most headlines. Also, her voice is stunning on this cover of “Blue Bayou.” It’s restrained at the right times, big at others, and it always has a good sense of pitch and tone. Also, you can feel her attachment to the lyrics.

We’re not going to go hyperbolic like Adam Levine and claim that this is the single greatest thing we’ve ever heard in our life, but it is still an extremely-strong audition. With all of the glitz and the bright lights that this show bathes you in, it’s often hard to have a more personal, emotional moment on that stage … especially during the gimmicky blind auditions. Porter makes it happen, and gets everyone to turn around in the process.

Are there times when we feel like people get four-chair turns who don’t deserve it? Definitely, but that is not the case here.

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