‘Once Upon a Time’ season 5: Jennifer Morrison on Regina, Emma relationship

Once -Since it is not that often that you get direct quotes from both “Once Upon a Time” stars Jennifer Morrison and Lana Parrilla on the relationship between Emma and Regina, isn’t this a good time to jump on it? We think so, even if we wouldn’t necessarily include what we have for you below as “new information.”

Instead, the comments from Morrison below via Entertainment Weekly just give you more of a sense as to where her feelings are at now in regards to what is one of the most popular dynamics on the show, one that is loved as a friendship by some and ‘shipped by many others as Swan Queen:

“I feel like they have a really true friendship … It’s just awesome to see two strong women have a great friendship on television, because usually you have two strong women fighting each other, or angry at each other, or having a catfight. You have these two women who have fought so hard to be the people that they want to be, and they’ve gone through challenges and both fail in certain ways and pick themselves up and move on, but they now have a real friendship and they really have each other’s backs and really are there for each other. I think that’s a really great thing to see on television.”

Parrilla actually takes on the Swan Queen subject a little more outright, and makes a point here that we’ve said many times before in that what is perceived as canon on the show does not necessarily have to be so for the fans:

“I always see their relationship as best friends and sisters … I’m nervous to say that because there are so many SwanQueens out there that see something else, and I don’t want to take that away from them.”  

Ultimately, there are so many fan communities out there at this point that if you ‘ship these two, you’re going to find other people to do the same. There’s an extensive fanfiction library and that fandom holds great weight, even if you don’t see it on the show. The same ultimately goes for many other prospective couples in the TV universe.

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