‘Doctor Who’ season 9: Discussions beginning on new Companion

Doctor Who -At this particular point in time, everyone wants to know more news about the next Companion on “Doctor Who.” Unfortunately, we’re not even sure right now that one of the people responsible for making the show knows that much more than you do … especially when it comes to making you satisfied while waiting for the finale Saturday or the Christmas Special coming a little ways down the road.

Speaking to the Radio Times, Steven Moffat made it clear that he would like to see a different dynamic between The Doctor and the Companion than what we had with Clara Oswald, but other than that there are quite a few details still up in the air:

“I’m beginning to have an idea of the kind of person, specific ideas but not a specific actress. A new companion gives us the chance to launch the show again. It began in 1963 with the story of Ian and Barbara and then in 2005 with Rose Tyler. Arguably it begins again with the story of Amy Pond. You can recruit new viewers when somebody else meets the Doctor. And I think we’ve got a really cool new idea about how to do that.”

We know it would be frustrating to some fans out there, but we’re fine with waiting weeks to learn who could be the next star of the show provided in that time the series finds the right person. We do anticipate a series of rumors to eventually surface in the tabloids, and probably one of the dozens of them will be correct. This is what it was like with Peter Capaldi.

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