‘Arrow’ season 4 spoilers: Meet the Calculator!

Arrow -Arrow” fans, calculate this: A character with a new almost as ridiculous / awesome as Calendar Man is now a part of the show. Enter the Calculator!

Here is what we can tell you about this particular news item. According to TVLine, frequent Greg Berlanti collaborator Tom Amandes has been cast to play Noah Kutter, a brilliant computer technician who manages to manipulate others at times to fulfill a particular agenda. Apparently, the agenda this time is going to involve blackmailing Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) to return to the Star City universe, and potentially face off against Team Arrow in the process. This particular villain in the DC Comics world has ties to numerous members of the Justice League, so he does not have some deep attachment to any particular superhero.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway ultimately from this particular character’s presence in the world is that the Calculator will connect the dots for Roy and Team Arrow, and it will be interesting in one way or another to see how much has changed since he last turned up. Thea Queen doesn’t seem to be in a place where she is thinking of him too much anymore; after all, he has a new love interest in Oliver’s campaign manager Alex (Parker Young).

What is interesting here is that for the most part, “Arrow” has kept some of their villains this season at a minimum beyond Damien Darhk. Sure, we had Anarky and Double Down, but neither one of them was all that memorable. (In particular, we find the latter particularly silly.)

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