‘Doctor Who’ season 10: Search for Jenna Coleman’s replacement in ‘very early stages’

Doctor -Do we imagine that there will be some more news in due time regarding who the next Companion is going to be on “Doctor Who” in the future? Sure, but the keywords here are “the future.” For the time being, there is nothing new to report. All we know for sure is that Jenna Coleman (pictured) is going to be departing the show at some point within the next several episodes, and her story will likely be over before we get to the Christmas Special.

So what does the show’s boss have to say about the search for someone new? Speaking per Entertainment Weekly, Steven Moffat confirmed that there has not been any progress as of yet in hiring the next person to be a part of the show’s upcoming 10th season:

“There’s nothing really to report … We’ll make a noise when we’ve got something to say, don’t worry.”

Ultimately, we’re not sure that there is any need to rush things along. There’s no need to bring someone new onto the show until the tenth season of the show starts filming, but at the moment, we don’t even know what the timetable is for that. This season and season 8 started filming early in the year, but the plan may change now for many reasons. After all, Moffat also has “Sherlock” to worry about, and he is going to be consistently busy pretty much over the course of the next months start to finish.

As with Moffat, we’ll have more news as it comes out.

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