‘NCIS: Los Angeles’ season 7 spoilers: Kensi and Deeks join a cult!

NCISWho wants to see something completely different for Kensi and Deeks on “NCIS: Los Angeles” moving forward this season? These two have done a wide array of undercover missions over the years, but let’s just say that very few of them have taken them into cult territory. That is going to be changing significantly on an upcoming November 9 episode entitled “An Unlocked Mind,” which is probably a reference to said cult.

Ultimately, we feel like the synopsis below does more than a good-enough job of letting you know just what you can expect:

“Kensi and Deeks go undercover as cult members to rescue a former Department of Defense employee brainwashed into revealing classified information, as the rest of the team works to prevent the cult from selling the government secrets.”

For those interested in some other behind-the-scenes details, know that this episode is being directed by none other than Chris O’Donnell! The “NCIS” franchise is becoming more and more well-known for its stars taking on this role, since Rocky Carroll has directed a couple of episodes now of the flagship show.

As far as guest-stars go, this episode will also feature Sebastian Roche (“The Originals,” “Supernatural”) coming in as the leader of the aforementioned cult. Nobody does creepy characters quite like him!

Maybe some of you are going to be coming to this installment hoping for fun stuff from Kensi / Deeks. Meanwhile, others may be coming to enjoy a twist-filled case. Either way, it seems like there is something in here to satisfy you.

If you want to see some other news when it comes to “NCIS: Los Angeles,” be sure to head over here right away! Also, you can sign up here to get some more TV scoop on just about everything we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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