‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 3 spoilers: Daisy Johnson, Lash featured in first teaser

ShieldThis is turning out to be quite the weekend when it comes to superhero shows releasing footage. First, we had the new “Arrow” trailer on Friday, and this weekend Marvel has uploaded a first-look teaser at the third season of “Agents of SHIELD.”

While “Arrow” certainly has the show beat when it comes to the sheer amount of footage, we’d say that Marvel does make the most of the time given to them when it comes to two separate things in particular:

1. Skye actually becoming Daisy! This includes both sporting a new look (Chloe Bennet cut off much of her hair earlier this summer), and then also her actually introducing herself by her new name. Skye will be more Daisy than ever before this season, and that is just one thing to look forward to.

2. A brief look at Lash, who could be a considerable threat in the early episodes … at least depending on how you look at him and whose side your on. He’s a pretty cool character, and someone fans of the show should be excited to have on board.

The real challenge we presume for this show is going to be striking the right balance between stories focused on SHIELD, and then the Inhumans / Secret Warriors stuff that is probably flashier on the surface. Marvel probably is well aware that they do still have the Inhumans movie coming up far down the road, so they may want to save a certain amount of the storytelling for that.

The new season will premiere on ABC starting on Tuesday, September 29, and we imagine that this is probably just the beginning of the news they plan on sharing for this show. We hope to have more at the link here very soon, so keep an eye out for that.

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