‘Arrow’ season 4 spoilers: ‘Enlisted’ grad Parker Young to romance Thea

Arrow -Man, is “Arrow” really killing it with their casting this season or what? First, you get the excellent Neal McDonough to play the part of big bad Damien Darhk; then, you get the underrated-but-excellent Echo Kellum to play Curtis Holt, a variation on the comics’ Mr. Terrific character.

Now, we present you with the news that Parker Young is joining the show! According to ETOnline, Young (who was absolutely excellent on “Enlisted,” one of the best comedies of the past several years) has been brought on in the role of Alex Davis, a consultant working for Oliver Queen who is going to get rather close to Thea. Is he a political consultant? We do wonder about this somewhat, given that there have been questions surrounding whether or not Oliver could seek some sort of election this season. We do at least know that an old friend of Moira Queen’s, played by Jeri Ryan on the series, is at least considering it herself.

Young is set to recur on the show, and let’s hope he ends up being a little bit better for Thea than Chase, that cocky DJ who ended up really being a part of the League of Assassins. Obviously Roy Harper seemed as though he was her one true love for some time, but there’s no evidence that Colton Haynes is going to be back on the show anytime soon.

“Arrow” is going to officially premiere come Wednesday, October 7, and you better believe that we will have so much more information on what is coming up well before that time.

For now, head over here to take a look at some of the other recent stories related to the show! Also, you can sign up here to target some more scoop on just about everything we cover, courtesy of our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: The CW.)

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