Is ‘Arrow’ season 3, episode 19 new tonight? ‘Broken Arrow’ hopes and more

Arrow -We are sad to say that there is no new episode of “Arrow” airing tonight on The CW. However, we can at least say that there is a little bit of a silver lining to reporting this news right now: This is the last time that we’re going to be doing so for at least a little while. Following the one-week hiatus, we are going to have a new episode every week for the remainder of the season! How exciting of a prospect is that? It’s at least a chance to see more action, surprise, and possibly a little bit of romance thrown in there, as well.

What we are going to have when the show returns on Wednesday, April 22 is “Broken Arrow,” an installment that may just be one of the most-hyped ones of the entire season. Much of that is due to the way in which it was filmed, with the majority of the cast speaking out about how this was a very emotional process for them. Suffice it to say, big stuff is going down.

What we at least know based on some trailers for both this show and “The Flash” is as follows:

1. There will be at least one more crossover for Oliver on “The Flash.”

2. There is going to be some sort of romantic sequence between Oliver and Felicity. Let’s just hope that this is not some crazy trick!

3. Laurel is going to be visiting “The Flash” at some point, as well.

4. In addition to Ra’s al Ghul, expect a great setup for HIVE at the end of the season. They are going to have a huge role in season 4.

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