Is ‘CSI’ season 15, episode 14 new tonight, or delayed due to NFL football?

We come today bearing some big news if you are an avid fan of “CSI,” mostly in that you are going to be waiting a little while in order to watch now the 14th episode of this season entitled “Merchants of Menace.”

This episode was originally set to air tonight (see the attached promo), but due to NFL programming, a preemptive decision by CBS was apparently made to keep the show off of the air. Since next week is the NFL Championship Game, you’re not going to be seeing it then, either. Instead, this episode has now been scheduled to air all the way moving forward on Sunday, January 25. This means that you are really not going to get that many opportunities to watch the show at a normal time moving forward. On February 1, you have the Super Bowl. The following week, CBS is broadcasting the Grammys. There is a free Sunday coming up after that, and then you are going to be transitioning almost immediately into the week of the Oscars. Maybe the network decides to counter-program some in there, but it would not be a smart move.

Then again, we’re not exactly getting the indication that “CSI” has a big shot of coming back for another season in the first place. Given how important this show is to the long-term history of CBS, we wish that it received a little more of a worthy sendoff than what it is ultimately getting. Still, that is the sort of thing that is out of the control of anyone other than executives.

If nothing else, the whole macabre convention at the center of this episode looks like it will make for an interesting story.

What do you think about this promo, and are you bummed about there being no new episode tonight? Share with a comment.

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