‘The Amazing Race 25’ episode 3 preview: Michael & Scott vs. bad ankles in Scotland

Michael and Scott -The good news for fans of “The Amazing Race” is that we’re going to see something new on Friday night’s new episode. We’re heading to a new location in the Shetland Islands, which are fairly remote and not known to many Americans other than their ponies.

It only seems appropriate that these horses would play a  role in the action on this leg, and at the same time annoy the living daylights out of most of the teams. There is nothing that can be worse for a leg than getting stuck with a bad animal, since you cannot do anything about it. The only bit of recommended advice we can give is to not freak out.

As for the rest of the leg, the one thing that seems to be weighing firefighters Michael & Scott down is a particularly nasty ankle injury, which is causing it to turn all sorts of crazy colors. Will this cost them the race? We’re starting to feel like that is a distinct possibility. If you let these sort of things go for too long, they become infected. Then again, we feel like it was not very likely that Michael & Scott were going to last a particularly long time on the show in the first place. Maybe we’ll be surprised, but they have not done particularly well at anything so far. How is that going to change now that they have to deal with something else slowing them down?

At least for now the age of the twist is over, and we’re just getting a chance to watch some pure racing.

What do you want to see on the next “Amazing Race” episode? Share your predictions with a comment, and head over here to catch our review of the last episode! You can also race over here for some further updates on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: CBS


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