‘Arrow’ season 3 spoilers: See Oliver, Felicity, Thea, and more in new promo

Arrow -Arrow” is starting to slowly let the season 3 footage creep out … and it looks awesome! Then again, did you really have any doubt that it would be anything else?

The first thing that we take notice of here is a huge Oliver / Felicity moment … and it’s almost one that we wish was not included mostly for the sake of leaving some things a surprise. (Then again, we clearly do want a relationship to happen here…)

As for some other highlights, how about Thea Queen in training? We appreciate that this still looks to be a struggle for her to adapt to her new environment, and having her messed-up father Malcolm Merlyn as a sudden mentor to her. There’s also a little footage in here of Laurel taking action, and the Canary doing some of what she does best.

The biggest and most surprising omission to us here is Diggle. We’re thrilled that David Ramsey is getting a spotlight episode early on in season 3, given that there were many times in the second season where we were starting to wonder whether or not the guy was not being given anything interesting to do. The presence of Roy / Arsenal is great since it gives Oliver another ally, but the downside of it is that it does limit the amount of airtime that Dig is going to get in some of the missions.

The new season premieres on The CW come Wednesday, October 8, and we’re going to have a whole lot more in the way of scoop long before then. Stay tuned…

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Photo: The CW

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