‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: The end of the Bomb Squad?
It was only a matter of time before the latest “Big Brother 16” alliance came close to an end, though this one ironically produced fireworks right around the end of the Fourth of July.
It is still not entirely clear just what caused the eventual end of the Bomb Squad, other of course than Devin being Devin, and getting some crazy thought in his head far too early in the game. Him freaking out about who to evict before the Veto is even played led to him and Caleb arguing about it, and then doing so again later when Devin claimed that his feelings for Amber were getting in the way of the alliance. It’s pretty ironic that the two people Devin brought into the Bomb Squad in Amber and Christine were the ones causing problems in his head, but that is just how this guy works for some crazy reason.
Devin’s loud proclamation that the alliance is over is hilarious, but this really is not that good of news for Caleb right now given that if Devin wins the Veto, it’s theoretically possible that he could try to backdoor him. He’s a big threat and therefore easy to take out, but there is also a part of us that thinks that Caleb would still stay because people would want him to take Devin out. It’s ironic that for a guy who was so hated in the pre-game thanks to his Instagram, Caleb has kept his cool in the house unless it involves Amber.
One thing that has changed within the past 12 hours is that some of the possibly-former Bomb Squad definitely wants to get rid of Paola now, which is a way to stick it to Devin without being able to evict him. Alliances are all over the place, with Zach and Cody covering themselves well with at least forming a pact with Hayden and Donny. These two right now are in an awesome spot, at least so long as Victoria doesn’t find out that Zach wiped his junk all over her hat earlier.
All we know for now is that a once-boring week has gotten so much more interesting, and Devin in power is exactly the sort of trainwreck we hoped for and then some.
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Photo: CBS