‘Big Brother 16’ houseguest spotlight: Is Christine Brecht this year’s ‘superfan’?
Every season of “Big Brother” has at least one big “superfan,” but typically this role is relegated to a guy on the American version. This is why we’re glad to see Christine Brecht as a part of the cast: She wasn’t shoehorned into any one particular female stereotype like “the mom,” “the model,” or “the Southern girl.” Instead, she is a diehard fan who seems very interested in playing the game she has watched from the very beginning.
There is a pretty good history of big fans of the show going far, at least over the past few years, so we’ll have to see if Christine ends up being more of an Ian or a Ronnie in terms of her placement.
Name – Christine Brecht
Age – 26
Location – Tuscon, Arizona
Occupation – Barista
Strengths – She’s seen every season of the show, and knows it inside and out. While that may not help her with some specific new twists this season, she’ll at least be well aware of the “expect the unexpected” mantra. We also like her plan in theory of her getting on one side of the house, and then finding someone on the other side, getting a secret alliance with them, and then using that to stay safe. It’s almost a smaller version of the Brigade strategy from season 12, which was one of the most dominant strategies we’ve ever seen on the show.
Weaknesses – She’s probably not a huge physical threat in competitions, and we feel like the reason most fans either last a long time or go home early is because they can have a hard time fitting in, especially with the women who CBS mostly just finds in a bar somewhere. She’ll have to work on her social game, and also ensuring that her love for the show never comes off as a liability.
Past houseguest comparison – There are some strategic similarities here to a Helen Kim or an Andy Herren, and while she is a superfan, she doesn’t feel like the same personality type as Ian Terry or McCrae Olson. We’d say that she is more of a cross between Helen, Andy, Neda from “Big Brother Canada,” and maybe a little bit of Hayden (crazy as that sounds) when it comes to being a little more laid-back, but still interested in playing the game.
Prediction – We want to see Christine do well, since we want this show to continue giving us at least one big female fan a season. She is in that “she’ll last for a while or go home early” camp, but we do think that she is a genuine threat to win if she makes it far enough. She knows how to make a compelling argument to a jury that can occasionally be bitter.
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Photo: CBS