ABC’s ‘Castle’ season 7: More information on Andrew W. Marlowe shift

The latest -Earlier this week, the news broke that really ended up surprising many: Andrew W. Marlowe is no longer going to be the primary showrunner for “Castle.” This comes after being the main man on the scene for the show since the very beginning. Without him, the Castle / Beckett storyline would not have developed, and we’d probably have to be spending our summer waiting for something else.

So if you are like us, you were probably floored by Marlowe’s decision, but in a way it makes sense. Look at some of the other long-running network procedurals, which include “NCIS,” “Criminal Minds,” and “Law & Order: SVU.” None of them have the same showrunner now that they did in the beginning. This is one of the most exhausting jobs out there, since you are basically responsible for seeing every little detail pertaining to production from start to finish. (David Amann, who has been a longtime member of production, will be taking over the reigns.)

What Marlowe does want to make clear now is that despite this move, he is still going to be extremely involved with production while looking to do some future projects. After the news broke, he offered up the following statement to

“Delivering the show is a team effort and over the past couple of years, David has been instrumental in our creative success. I’ll continue to be involved at every level, but with David taking lead in key areas, I’m hoping it can create some space for Terri [Miller] and me to develop new shows, while maintaining the magic on Castle … I don’t feel like I’m ‘handing over the reins’ as much as David is assuming much more responsibility in leading our team. He and I will continue to work closely together, as we have the last couple years, setting the creative course for the show and ensuring the high script and story standards that we’ve all set for Castle.”

What do you want to see on “Castle” season 7, and do you think that having a slightly change is going to really change anything? Let us know what you think one way or the other below, and you can also sign up today to get some further TV updates courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: ABC

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