‘The Amazing Race 23’ review: Jason & Amy, Tim & Marie, and a stolen taxi
Before Sunday’s new episode of “The Amazing Race 23” even aired, the previews teased that there was going to be some sort of showdown involving Tim & Marie and Jason & Amy over something that is a major race issue: Stealing a taxi.
In actuality, Tim & Marie didn’t break any rules. The cab driver removed the bags, so therefore, it was an ethical dilemma more than anything else. Would we have done the same thing? Probably not, mostly because we know that there were a number of other teams behind, and you can find a cab pretty quickly in Vienna. However, we would have totally done it had we only been ahead of one other team, and it was an “us vs. them” sort of situation.
But with all of this being said, we’ll take Tim & Marie over the Boston couple anytime on the show; we would be terrified to ever be in the same room as them, but they are good television. Jason & Amy are just dull, save for a brief threat to go “Providence” that really went nowhere. Rather than a big fight, these two did the whole “disappointed in you” shtick like they were parents.
This was a very entertaining leg through and through, and while there was an equalizer, we at least had some pretty enjoyable tasks, especially the singing contest that we will nickname “Austrian Idol.” This was just a trainwreck through and through, as we witnessed all teams struggle with it to a certain degree. Nicky & Kim were actually one of the best and nearly came in first place, but they were outpaced on the way to the Pit Stop by Travis & Nicole, the married couple that we personally think are favorites to win the whole thing right now with the Express Pass in tow.
On the flip side, there was almost some bad news for the Afghanimals as their “race wives” Ally & Ashley nearly were sent home, since they apparently are not nearly as good as singing as they are with cleaning a hockey rink. Luckily, they were slightly better than Tim & Danny … who were mostly just awful. We really didn’t like these Oklahoma guys as much as Mark & Bopper and some other down-south teams; they had a couple of moments, but they actually seemed kind of mean towards the Afghanimals. Are they annoying and camera hogs? Did they do something stupid in lying about the U-Turn? Sure, but they aren’t calling anyone “clowns.”
Overall, this was the best episode of the season, and that is even with a Fast Forward that didn’t work and an equalizer. Nice work, “Amazing Race.” Grade: A-.
If you want to read some more “Amazing Race” news, just be sure to visit the link here.
Photo: CBS