‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ castaway spotlight: Katie Collins

Meet Katie -One of the advantages of bringing loved ones into the “Survivor” game is pretty simple: You get an opportunity to bring back popular returning players attached to them. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to ensure that every single person brought in is a big character.

Unfortunately, it’s just hard to get excited about Katie Collins as a character right now. Even though she is the daughter of “Survivor: The Australian Outback” winner Tina Wesson, she really doesn’t act that much like her. She is much more reserved, laid-back, and doesn’t have the same sort of in-your-face spirit to her on the surface. Her personality reminds us somewhat of Sophie Clarke meets Laura from last season, but Sophie was funnier (and probably a better gamer).

Basic details – Katie Collins, 25 years old from New York City; here with mother Tina Wesson

Occupation – Hedge fund support

Strengths – We imagine above all else that Katie will probably be a pretty good social player. Being quiet may not make for great TV, but she could be a place of solace after people deal with some of the big characters. Tina has probably put some big ideas into her head about making good alliances, which is something that Sophie did very well a few seasons ago on the road to winning her season over Coach. We also imagine that she will not anger anyone early in the game, and we typically feel that for at least the first week or so, the biggest key to survival is just to ingratiate yourself and not be a big target.

Weaknesses – For Katie, the #1 issue is almost sure to be that she is not a huge challenge threat. Tina even says so in the video below. If she gets on Redemption Island, she may have a hard time winning, and her tribe could send her there if they feel like she is not helping them enough in challenges against a team of pretty strong players. This may be where Katie differs most from Sophie, who was quite the challenge beast in taking out Ozzy.

Prediction – Cochran proved that you don’t have to be a huge challenge threat to go far and win, but we don’t know if her tribe is going to be so willing to keep someone who is not only not a great competitor, but someone already tied to a former winner in Tina. We see her lasting a couple of episodes, but then becoming a target. The only way that she lasts longer is if she finds a good alliance early.

How do you think that Katie is going to do on the game this coming season? If you want to read some more of our castaway spotlights, just be sure to head on over to the link here.

Photo: CBS



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