ABC’s ‘Mistresses’ episode 11 review: Karen confesses, Joss hurts Alex

Karen is in serious trouble -Last week on “Mistresses” Sam told Karen that he would be her alibi and with the deposition between Elizabeth and Karen coming up on tonight’s episode we are curious to see just who he is going to side with – his mother or his lover.

Karen: She is ready for her deposition and the first witness brought in is Anthony. He tells them everything he knows about the notes she handed in, but her attorney tries to claim that Anthony is there giving his testimony because he’s vengeful about Karen turning down his advances. Elizabeth’s testimony revealed that Tom and Karen had an affair and that Tom was too weak to administer the morphine himself. When Karen calls her out as a liar, Elizabeth says that she wasn’t even home, she was out with Sam. When it’s revealed that Sam is the next witness Karen is worried, and she has reason to be. He completely went against what he promised her and claimed to be his mother’s alibi even though he wasn’t with her. Later Karen’s lawyer asks her business partner to be her alibi, but Karen won’t lie and she tells them that she was home alone that night leaving her conscious clear.

April: Paul is finally leaving and she’s having second thoughts about keeping this information from Lucy. Even though Richard and April are on the outs they decide to keep their date to take the kids to an amusement park and they start to get to know each other better. By the end of the day they get back together and he feels confident enough to suggest to her that she tells Lucy the truth about Paul and she agrees that Lucy has a right to know. When she goes to pick up Lucy from school to talk to her about Paul she finds her daughter missing.

Josslyn: Now that she’s not available, Oliver is becoming more interested and even though she’s in a relationship with Alex she can’t help that she is still interested in men. Alex realizes that Josslyn is missing men and gives her a bit of a get out of jail free card if she wants to be with a guy. Alex wants her and Josslyn to have a couple’s dinner party, but Oliver needs her to work instead. After the clients leave the house she showed them, Oliver shows up and they end up sleeping together. When she gets back to Alex, she sees a bite mark on Josslyn and Alex is angry. Once Alex finds out that Josslyn canceled plans with her to have sex with Oliver she walks out on her.

Josslyn decides to talk to Harry to see is she can help work things out between him and Savannah and he tells her that he saw Dominic at the house and assumes that Savy got the results and he’s the father. She tells him that’s not the case, that she has the results and no one has seen them. Josslyn suggests that he go to the clinic and find out if he’s the father or not, but when he gets there of course they won’t tell her anything.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of “Mistresses” and were you disappointed that Savannah was barely in the episode? If you are looking for more news, just click here.

Photo: ABC

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