‘Breaking Bad’ season 5, episode 11 preview: Dean Norris teases Hank, Jesse showdown
It was probably near the end of last Sunday’s “Breaking Bad” episode that you started to realize to yourself that Jesse Pinkman did not actually say a single word over the course of the hour. When you consider just how verbose this guy can typically be, especially when it comes to a certain swear word, that was suddenly all the more shocking.
So is that going to happen again on this coming “Confessionals” episode? Based on what we are hearing right now, it seems rather unlikely. After watching his fellow colleagues strike out when it comes to getting Jesse to explain why he was dumping out money in the street, Hank comes into play. These two clearly have a history, and not a good one, and it’s because of this that the very that the notion of Hank thinking that he can get something out of Jesse is rather interesting. We’ll run with it for the time being, and at least admit that the new comments that Dean Morris said to TVLine about this confrontation are indeed interesting:
“I can’t say a lot other than Hank, as you saw with him and Skyler, is grasping. He’s starting to feel desperate. He’s starting to realize that there isn’t a whole lot [to go on]. It’s going take a while for him to put this case together, but he needs somebody to be on his side. Skyler didn’t seem to go there, so we’ll see how he can play Jesse to see whether he will go there or not … He certainly needs to find a way to get this kid who hates him, because he beat the crap out him, to be on his side — and that’s not going to be easy, if at all possible.”
With every scene comes the hope for something more iconic to raise the stakes, and this discussion could be one of the greatest moments of the show’s final season … if Hank can convince him to rat on Walt that is. He is starting to realize that he needs someone willing to talk about Walt in order to lock him up, and this can be a key witness if he can tap into their mutual rage.
If you want to see our detailed analysis of this past “Breaking Bad” episode, click here; meanwhile, we’ll have a more detailed preview of “Confessions” tomorrow.
Photo: AMC