‘Big Brother 15’ live feed spoilers: Silly makeup and Jessie’s last push

The latest -There is just one day left in the “Big Brother 15” house prior to the live eviction show, and this of course begs the question: How will the game be set up next? The big thing to remember is that it’s always about who wins Head of Household, and that will be even more important this week.

The great news for gameplay is that pretty much regardless of who wins, there is potential for there to be a pretty big move in the house. Helen wants out Amanda despite that deal she made with McCrae and Andy, Elissa wants out either Amanda or Aaryn, and the 3am Alliance all want out Helen without a doubt to make their lives easier. Spencer would surely go after Amanda, and GinaMarie’s a bit of a wild card at this stage of the game and not someone anybody is particularly worried about.

There have been attempts to try to set up certain players for the future, including a ploy to trick Elissa in case she wins a Power of Veto later to play it so that certain people can backdoor Helen. Meanwhile, Jessie is still doing whatever she can to try and sell herself as a player worth keeping in the game. She keeps running up against the same all-familiar barriers as always, though, which is that everyone wants to simply vote with the house, and not make any moves of their own in fear of putting heir neck out there. The name of the game is really just appeasement: Make Jessie happy, and then send her out the door on Thursday in a surprise vote. They don’t want another crazy episode on their hands, though we do just from the standpoint of it causing great entertainment.

Tonight, the houseguests are biding their time by wearing silly makeup, which includes Andy getting elaborate colors all over his face. It’s funny in a lighthearted way, but nothing altogether original since this happened last year with Shane.

We’ll have more updates from the “Big Brother” feeds in the morning, but you can read more news at the link here.

Photo: CBS

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